Looking Ahead


Hello, is anybody out there?  Does anyone still read my poor neglected blog?

Once again it has been quite some time since I posted. Life has been so incredibly busy and it has been hard to find the time to blog.  Part of the reason why it has been hard, is I'm a little unsure what direction to take my blog in.  I've opened my etsy shop, and want to share things from that on here, but besides that I'm not sure what I should do posts on, so I thought I'd ask you all (if your still reading).


 What do you want to see on Northwestern Girl?  
Here are some ideas I had but you can comment with any ideas you have:
Photography posts
These take me quite some time to put together, and since I haven't been doing a whole lot of photography lately they might be few and far between.  But I can continue with them when possible if it is something ya'll want to see.
Natural beauty and health
I have been educating myself on and experimenting in this area since about the age of 12.  I've gathered quite the collection of information over the past 6 years.  This category would probably include many DIY's.
I'm not gonna lie, my life is pretty exciting!  Between being the oldest of 11 children, and the lifestyle our family has chosen, many of my days are filled with all kinds of interesting.
I have high hopes for my newly opened etsy shop Cowgirl Rags and am hoping to share updates, new products, etc. on here.
My thoughts...
About life, cultural issues, Biblical convictions, political topics, etc, etc.  (I'm really not sure if people even want to hear what I have to say on things)
Posts with answers to FAQ, or anything you may be wondering.
Do you want outfit posts?  Clothing inspiration?
Horse training
I'm not sure if horse training/problem solving related posts are something people would be interested in or not.
What do you all think?  Comment below and let me know!
P.S.  How do you like the new blog look?

My Karate History // Shodan Black Belt


Busy // Life Lately