Around The Ranch | Cows
First off, Happy Valentines Day!
And now, moving on...
It can't be Friday again already! This week positively flew by, and not only did I not get the pictures taken for the outfit post I had in mind, I didn't get any Photo A Day pictures. This week was great, I just didn't get things, blog related, done that I wanted to. Instead, I will introduce you to some of the cows around the ranch. While most of the cows are either referred to by their number or a distinguishing characteristic, some of them have names.
I took these pictures last Friday, unfortunately things are no longer as pretty around here as they are in these pictures. Almost all of the snow is melted leaving behind probably near 12" of mud in some places
This is Mandy, our milk cow. She is an Angus x Jersey and to the left is her little bull calf from the end of last summer. To the right is "Taffy" a heifer we bought at the livestock auction in 2012. As Mandy did not have a calf at the time she adopted "Taffy" and looked after her for a long time. It seems the three of them are pals.
This cow is known as "White Face Mama". She is the only cow we own that has some Hereford in her. All the rest are either, red or black angus, or red poll. This is off topic, but aren't the mountains just gorgeous?
This lil' gal was quite apprehensive of me. She is someone else's calf and is here with her momma who is visiting the bull.
Here we have "Daisy". She is also an Angus x Jersey mix and the only black cow with horns. Because of her horns, she thinks she is "big stuff" and can a bit of an attitude at times.
Last but not least is "Paris". She is a red poll that I halter broke her last year with the intent of training her to milk. Never did get around to milking her, but am hoping to this year, while Mandy is on break.
Well, there you have it. An introduction to to a few of the cows around here. Want to come and meet the rest?
How was your week? Do you like cows? Did you do anything fun with your family for Valentines day? Dad and mom went to a banquet at church so us kids are having a film festival, and ice cream party at home. Good times.:)